My name is Jermaine Taylor. I am a 34 year old black man born and raised on the inner city streets of Boston, Ma. I was asked to share my thoughts and feelings on the George Floyd tragedy, the Central Park incident, and police brutality overall.
I’d like to begin with the fact that I am numb! So many of the people around me say the same. I had my first weapon drawn on me at 13 years old by a white male BPD officer that I was running away from. I seen a person murdered at 9. Then again at 14. And again at 17. I seen a homicide victim sprawled out on the baseball field as I walked to school one foggy, misty morning. George Floyd reminds me of how normal these incidents have become. There have been 7 murders in my city within the past 11 days. I personally know 5 of the victims. I say that to put into perspective that this type of stuff happens within our world that is a galaxy away from the world of the privileged.
I speak for a large denomination when I say that we are beyond the romanticization of our plight.
Everyone has fell in love with having “their” part of the conversation. Don’t let an agenda cause you from losing sight of the bigger picture. We are failing one another as humanity. We are committing near irreversible damage to our world, our livelihood, our principals. Time is seriously ticking on the rebuild.
In reference to the incident with the white woman weaponizing her complaint against the black bird watcher who politely asked her to leash her dog, kudos to that man for being aware enough to record everything.
In a society where even video footage can be disputed somehow, it still remains the best safety net we as blacks have in a white society. We need to speak one another’s languages. Seriously.
I created a song titled “Boston State Of Mind” where I highlight my feelings on politics, gentrification, mass incarceration and some other sensitive topics. I would appreciate it if you took the time to give it a listen and feel free to give feedback or shoot any questions.