Run the 129th Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America® with Team InnerCity Weightlifting.
Runners will raise funds to help support our mission to amplify the voice and agency of people most impacted by systemic racism and mass incarceration.
Fundraising through the 128th Boston Marathon presented by Bank of America® will directly support specialized workforce development and comprehensive case management that ICW provides to members of the Greater Boston community with significant barriers to their safety. ICW pioneers a model that works; In response to our 4-Stage Model – Earn Trust, Build Hope, Bridge Social Capital, Sustain Economic Mobility – recidivism rates drop from 88% in the first stage to 8.2% in the final stage. ICW’s most conservative social return on investment is 16.5X. Participants secure careers in and beyond fitness, become first-time homeowners, and take their families on vacation.
Perhaps more important than the impact on participants at ICW, is the impact of ICW participants on society. Our personal training clients don’t just leave with a great workout, they leave with a new relationship that evolves someone’s moral beliefs and compels people to both talk and act differently within their own social circles. By running for Team ICW, you can grow our participants’ networks and change your own perspective.